Hotel des Alpes

General terms of sale


Any reservation becomes effective only after the payment of a deposit. For any cancelled stay completely or partially, the HDA reserves the right to keep the deposit as a compensation . The deposit will be deducted from the bill at the end of the stay.
Rooms are available from 12 am on the day of the arrival . They must be left before 10 H30 on the day of the departure.
During thermal period we do not provide lunch on Sunday noon, but you have to ask for a packed lunch, if not 9 Euros will be deducted from your bill. The meals served on the menu correspond to the dietary board . Any change entails an additional charge
The prices of full board includes VAT and service charges.
A 0,82 Euro tourist charge per person overnight will be added to your final bill.
Pets are accepted, except for the restaurant. You will asked 5 Euros a day for their accommodation.


In case of cancellation, the HDA is entitled to keep the deposit as a compensation.
Within the scope of a thermal stay or with a « Big Thermal Spa Package », we advise you to sign a balneology insurance : it is the garantee to recover your deposit in case of cancellation.



Any reservation confirmed by the payment of the deposit , or the total amount of the stay implies that you accept and validate all general terms of sale.

Réservation / Booking

Nous rencontrons des problèmes techniques avec les réservations en ligne.
Pour réserver, veuillez nous appeler (
+33 (0)4 79 55 21 08) ou nous envoyer un email à :

We are experiencing technical issues with online bookings. To make a reservation, please call us or send an email to:

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